Friday, June 26, 2009
This article was found on a message board on the internet. There was
no information about who wrote this article. Because this article
contains very important information, I have decided to post it on the
internet. Seeing that there was no author information, I assume that
this is public domain. If you are reading this and are the author
please write to me so that I can give credit to you.
Hundreds of thousands of people in many parts of the world are
claiming they are encountering UFO entities in one way or another.
They have had what is called an "Close Encounter of the Third or
Fourth Kind", a term used by ufologist J. Allen Hynek. There is also
growing public interest in this phenomena due to media attention.
Some CONTACTEES AND ABDUCTEES and also some claiming to be channeling
extra-terrestrials are being revealed the following kinds of
We are not alone in the Universe. We are told - this earth has been
visited many times in the past and presently by different types of
extra-terrestrials. These ET's have been involved with our creation,
evolution, religions, myths, beliefs, etc.
Some contactees are being told that humans are the consequence of ET
encounters with earlier forms of man. Without this contact man never
would have evolved to the point we have. Rael, the chosen prophet and
messiah of the Raelian movement was told as as contactee, that
mankind was created by a group of ET's called the Elohim using
advanced genetic engineering in laboratories 4. Others who believe in
the messages of the Pleiadians are told, that the Pleiadian ancestors
were some of the Original Planners of Earth who seeded this and other
worlds.12 What ever the explanation we are told ET's are involved
with our evolution and creation.
Some contactees are being told that: "Humankind stands now in the
transitional period before the dawn of a New Age. (With peace, love
and understanding, the people of Earth will see a great new era begin
to dawn.) The Space Beings are here to teach, to help awaken the
human spirit, to help humankind rise to higher levels of vibration so
that the people of Earth may be ready to enter new dimensions. 1. We
are poised for a quantum leap forward on both the biological and
spiritual levels. The human soul will evolve.
"If the Earthlings should not raise their vibratory rate within a set
period of time, severe earth changes and major cataclysms will take
place. (Such disasters will not end the world, but shall serve as
cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of unreceptive humanity.
Those who die in such dreadful purging will be allowed to reincarnate
on higher levels of development so that their salvation will be more
readily accomplished through higher teachings on a higher vibratory
level.)" 2
Others are being told that the receptive or chosen will be saved by
benign ET's and their ships when these disasters take place. Some
like the Raelians are told they will experience some kind of eternal
existence through further genetic engineering ie. cloning.
A major leap in consciousness and evolution is about to take place:
Crop circles, UFO sightings and contactee and abductee experiences
are preparing those who are receptive of these changes. Events such
as the Harmonic Convergence are lifting the veil so the Higher
Galactic intelligences of the universe will be able to channel their
energies and influences to facilitate the shift towards a New Age.12
Evidence for these claims are: the many abductee and contactee
experiences with similar stories and messages, physical scars, hybrid
babies, recognition of some kind of symbolic or hieroglyphic language
etc. There seems to be according to researchers increasing cases
worldwide of UFO sightings, crop or landing circles, animal
mutilations, abductions of men, women and children.
According to Dr. Karla Turner, who has worked with over 400 abduction
cases and has written the book "Into the Fringe", says if abduction
accounts can be believed and there is confirmation of many of these
facts with other researchers - the abduction phenomena includes some
of the following details: from -UFO Universe, Spring 1993. Aliens -
Friends or Foes by Dr. Karla Turner:
Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.
Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us any
number of guises and shapes.
Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make
themselves only partially visible.
Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known
scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single
punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three-and four fingered
claw marks, and trangles of every possible sort.
Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after
their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts,
tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.
A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they
didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery,
debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.
Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an
experience, not just the greys. Every possible combination of grey,
reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow's peak have been seen during
single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.
Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their
alien captors. Painful genital and anal probes are performed...
Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.
Abductees-"virgin" cases- report being taken to underground
facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of
hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts
of human bodies.
Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being
drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and
stacked, lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been
threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they
don't co-operate with their alien captors.
Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving
their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a
parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that "The children
belong to us."
Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse
with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens
observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have
sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of
the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain
celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.
Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on
abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no
explanation why.....Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on
children as well as adults.
Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and
destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will
be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either
on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over.
Many abductees report they don't believe their alien captors and
foresee instead a much more sinister use of the "rescued" humans.
"In every instance from this list, there are multiple reports from
unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the
product of a single deranged mind. These details are convincing
evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the
abduction experience isn't limited to uniform pattern of events. This
phenomenon simply can't be explained in terms of cross- breeding
experiments or scientific research into the human physiology.......
Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien
interaction , we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the
cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and
render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do
they need to manipulate our children's genitals and probe our
rectums? Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual
motives?" ......Dr. Karla Turner.
1. The Fellowship, by Brad Steiger.
2. Ibid pp. 47
3. Ibid pp. 185
4. The Messages Given To Me By The Extra-terrestials -Rael
5. Operation Trojan Horse- John Keel pp. 200-232
6. Dimensions- Dr. Jacque Vallee
7. Transformation The Breakthrough- Whitley Striber pp. 180, 240.
8. Messengers of Deception- Dr. J. Vallee. Last chapter.
9. UFO'S in the New Age- William M. Alnor , Baker Book House 1992.
While there seems to be evidence for UFO related activities as
mentioned above, perhaps there are other possible explanations. Many
UFO paranormal, psychic, and spiritistic manifestations, etc.5,6.
Many abductees, contactees and researchers believe there is an inter-
dimensional or multidimensional quality to the UFO phenomena and
experiences with ET's. . Although the UFO phenomena maybe real it
also could be a holographic illusion or a transmorification of matter
and energy. Perhaps ET's are entities that have power to shape matter
and spirit. Some alien life forms seem to have an ability to shape
shift and appear and disappear 5,6. Dr. J. Allen Hyneck suggested the
phenomena appears to be more psychic than extra-terrestrial and
perhaps comes from a parallel world. This also seems to be Dr.
Vallee's explanation 6, 9.
Dr. Vallee also notes that there are authoritarian overtones to some
of the messages given to contactees 8 i.e.. democracy is obsolete,
elections should be done away with 4, racist ideologies are
encouraged - some have more alien DNA etc., a New World Order is
needed and will be set up with alien help. He also believes that some
kind of control system is being set up by the UFO phenomena which
challenges our traditions and human beliefs systems 6,8. Many
abductees report implants and feel they are being manipulated for
some unknown purpose that's yet to be revealed.
Much of the messages given to abductees and contactees seem to be New
Age in philosophical orientation and language: there are no moral
absolutes, reincarnation is taught, monistic beliefs such as a
vague "kinship with the Cosmos and it's oneness with the Universe or
the Universe as a supreme being" are common, we are being told
that "we stand on the precipice of a quantum leap forward on both a
biological and spiritual level." Man is or is becoming God...etc.
If man is one with the cosmos or some impersonal concept of God there
cannot be a basis for truth or ethics. The impersonal, as such is
silent about such things. There is no basis for saying anything is
right or wrong if all is one with God. What you are left with is
total relativism or the arbitrary absolutes of the controllers who
ever they may be. "If All is One , good and evil are reconciled, then
one can can do nothing bad; thus Manson was only acting
logically....the fact that Manson's followers knew him as both Satan
and Christ highlights the collapse of distinctions between good and
evil under moral relativity".13.
As well, finite alien creators cannot provide sufficient absolutes.
You have the same problems as pagan polytheism - the gods are too
small to account for the creation of the universe and not good enough
to provide a basis of morals and truth. Is abducting and raping women
okay if extra-terrestrials do it? Also, why all the authoritarian
overtones to some of the messages? Do they really have our best
interest in mind or is there evidence of some kind of control system?
There are several alien types taking credit for the creation of man
and now some contactees like Rael and Benjamine Cream are claiming to
be prophets of some messianic authority. In fact Rael is claiming to
be the new final prophet and chosen "Messiah" of this age...chosen by
a group of extra-terrestrials who call themselves the Eloheim who
told Rael that they created the human race through genetic
engineering. Rael has over 35,000 followers world wide who call
themselves Raelians...and they wish with the Eloheim's help -to usher
in a world government ruled by an authoritarian elite. 4.
Cream is promoting another "messiah" he calls "Maytrea". Full page
ads in newspapers around the world has announced that this world
teacher is in the world to-day. Cream is also convinced that the
intelligences behind the crop circle phenomena are paving the way for
the soon unveiling of his messiah who will usher in a New World Order
and a New Age.
Skye Ambrose, a famous abductee who was "born again" as she said as a
result her encounter with a strange "grey" type alien with bright
sparkling eyes predicted at a recent UFO conference in Bellevue,
Washington; that "evolution was entering a "peak cycle" that will
create a New Order on the planet. Polarization is occurring on this
planet to separate those who will accept the message and evolve
toward Unity and Oneness and self-realized Godhood and those who will
not not."
Many alien prophesies to contactees of the 50's or to-day have failed
to come true or appear to be outright lies. 14. Many contactees and
abductees to-day are again delivering warnings of coming earth
changes and disasters along with promises of help from aliens...they
feel chosen to deliver a message to mankind ...the prophesies are
creating a false hope and dependency in their abductors who they know
little about.
So what are we dealing with? New Age aliens with some promise of a
golden age or some unimaginable deception to enslave undiscerning
minds. The evidence seems to point to the latter. There have been
many false messianic claims and those foolish enough to repeat
history by following the voices of deceiving entities have been
warned to "beware of false prophets and Christ's who come disguised
as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves ".10 We should be
reminded of the likes of Adolf Hitler who not long ago promised a New
Age to unsuspecting Germans.
Whitley Striber, in a recent issue of the monthly MUFON Journal,
Sept. 93, states - "I've come away from this experience convinced of
one thing: if there aren't demons out there, there might as well be,
because these guys are indistinguishable from demons.
Indistinguishable. To see them, to look into their eyes, is to be
less - forever......." Striber seems to swing from horror to naive
trust.. you see this in his books and statements to the public.
Perhaps, he is not so sure of the visitor's intentions.
Perhaps we should heed the old warning; 'If, anyone says to you
then, "Look, here is the Christ" or, "He is there", do not believe
it; for false Christ and false prophets will arise and produce great
signs and portents, enough to deceive even the chosen , if that were
Some UFO researchers suggest that perhaps the so called 'aliens'
aren't much of a threat, after all if they have been around for this
long and have not taken over then why should we be concerned.
However, if they are not what they appear to be, and the phenomena
has other potentials and realities which include: deception, false
messianic claims, dangerous ideologies, the formation of cults, etc.,
then for historical, social and political reasons we should not
abandon our need for discernment and caution.
1. The Fellowship, by Brad Steiger.
2. Ibid pp. 47
3. Ibid pp. 185
4. The Messages Given To Me By The Extra-terrestrials -Rael
5. Operation Trojan Horse- John Keel pp. 200-232
6. Dimensions- Dr. Jacque Vallee
7. Transformation The Breakthrough- Whitley Striber pp. 180, 240.
8. Messengers of Deception- Dr. J. Vallee. Last chapter.
9. UFO'S in the New Age- William M. Alnor , Baker Book House 1992.
10. Matthew 7:15-20
11. Matthew 24: 23-28, 1 John 2:18-23, 1 John 4:1-6, 1 Thess 2:1-12.
12. Teachings of the Pleadians- Bringers of the Dawn.
13. Understanding the New Age- Russell Chandler, Word Publishing,
14. Deuteronomy 18:9-22.
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